Frequently Asked Questions

Order a free and secure site migration from another hosting to our one,
your site will always be accessible to visitors during the migration.

Home -> Frequently Asked Questions / FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions/ FAQ

Just register on our hosting and we will secure migrate your site to Hostia.Net hosting.

Will my domain be accessible without "www." in front of it?

Yes, your site will respond to requests like and with equal success.

How do I put information on my website?

By FTP protocol using an FTP program or browser. Using an FTP program: The most popular and user-friendly FTP programs are FilleZilla and Total Commander. Instructions for connecting to FTP using the FilleZilla program Using a browser: In the hosting activation letter you can find a link for a quick connection via FTP, open My Computer on your computer and paste this link into the address bar. The domain folder is located in the /domains/domain/public_html/ section, you need to upload your script to this folder.

What is the NS server or IP address for transferring the domain to hosting?

Our NS servers and IP address are listed in the hosting activation letter, they are different on all servers. This information is also available in the billing panel under "My Account" - "Server Details".

Where can I see your banners? Do you have an affiliate programme?

Affiliate Program Description Some of our banners other banners can be found in the billing under Partner Programme.

How do I migrate my website from another host to you?

Website transfer from another hosting -> to Hostia, for new customers free of charge during first 7 days after ordering website hosting, please contact support to order website transfer.

Do you have a test hosting period?

Yes, we offer new customers a free 10-day test period for website hosting. Simply place your hosting order on our website and create a ticket in the Hosting Questions category.

No hosting details emailed after payment?

Check your email in the spam category to see if it has been caught by the spam filter. If it is still not in your mailbox, log in to your billing account and you will see a copy of the email with your hosting details on the main billing page.

In which folder should I upload my website?

The files of your site should be uploaded to /domains/ Once you have uploaded your files to this folder on the hosting, you can see them in your browserфайл.php

Changed the domain DNS to yours, but the domain is not available?

It takes 1-48 hours for a complete Internet DNS change to take place, during which time the domain will be fully operational. It is not possible to speed up this process. While the domain is not available, you can operate the website via the technical domain, the link to the technical domain is given in the hosting activation letter.

Ordered and paid for a domain and hosting, but the domain doesn't work?

It should take 1-48 hours after registering a domain, during which time the domain will be fully operational. It is not possible to speed up this process. While the domain is not available, you can operate the website via the technical domain, the link to the technical domain is given in the hosting activation letter.

Is there any help with instructions on how to use the hosting control panel?

Yes, help with pictures is available at

How to create a new MySQL database ?

Instructions with pictures

How do I log in to PhpMyAdmin?

How to enter PhpMyAdmin, instruction with pictures

How do I unpack the archive?

Only .zip or tar.gz files can be extracted from the archive. Descriptions with pictures

What is a script?

The script is your website files, upload the website files into the domain folder /domains/domain/public_html/

Does your hosting service support PHP version 5.3?

Yes, it does, you can change the PHP version in hosting control panel, under "PHP.INI settings".

How do I change my domain DNS ?

In billing under My Data -> My Domains -> Manage DNS (button), you can change DNS domain.

How do I move the website to you myself?

To transfer a website from another hosting or your computer to us, instructions: 1) You need to copy all the files of your website, in the domain folder on your hosting /domains/domain/public_html/ 2) After copying files, you must import the database to us, instruction 3) Write the correct access to the database in the script configuration file. Also, change the path in the script configuration to a new one (if required).

Error with TLS, when connecting to FTP?

If you see an error related to TLS, for example:
Response: 234 AUTH TLS successful
Status: Initializing TLS...
Error: Connection terminated after 20 seconds of inactivity
Error: Unable to connect to server
Disable TLS security! And try connecting without TLS.


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