Running scripts
at the appointed time

The instructions below show how to run the script at the appointed time.

Home -> Guide -> Schedule task management. Cron

Running scripts at the appointed time

Cron - run scripts at designated time.
Time values are entered as numbers and *.

You can specify times using commas as separators.
E.g: 1,2,3 (1st,2nd and 3rd minutes).

You can specify a range using hyphens.
Example: 5-7 (minutes 5 to 7).

You can specify the intervals using an asterisk (*) and a forward slash (/).
Example: */2 (every 2 minutes).

You can combine methods to create a precise schedule.
For example: 1,5,11-15,30-59/2 (minutes 1, 5, 11 to 15 and every 2 minutes 30 to 59.

Select menu -> CRON jobs

1. Select "CRON tasks" from the menu.

Fill in all fields -> Create Cron job

2. Fill in the required fields.
3. Press the "Create Cron job" button.

If you have done everything correctly, then the entry

4. If you have done everything correctly, then the entry will appear.


Running scripts done

Running the scripts at the appointed time was successful.

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