Frequently Asked Questions

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your site will always be accessible to visitors during the migration.

Home -> Frequently Asked Questions / FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions/ FAQ

Just register on our hosting and we will secure migrate your site to Hostia.Net hosting.

How do I back up all my sites?

You can create a backup of your entire account, it will contain all files and databases, all sites, for this, in the control panel in the "System backups" section -> the "Create your backup" button, you can create your backup.
Please note, the backup will be taken into account in the hosting disk!
Instructions in pictures

I deleted all the site file, how do I restore it?

Contact support and they will help you recover your data. Backups of files are done on a weekly basis. Backups of databases are done daily.

I deleted the website database, is it possible to restore it?

Contact support and they will help you restore the database. Backups of databases are done daily. Backups of files are done weekly.

How do I restore a previously created backup in the control panel?

You can restore a backup from any hosting, provided that there backup has been created in the hosting control panel. Upload backup archive to the backups/ folder at the root of your account, go to "Backup" section, select your backup and click "Restore" button.

Has my website stopped working?

You can restore your backup that you may have made before or contact support and they will help you restore the site from a backup.


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